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Re: [microsound] napster shut down
I've never been one for the Napster thing, but I wonder if it's possible to
truly and completely shut down free exchange of ANY ideas, be they in a
sound or video format, entertainment or otherwise. Free exchange of ANY
information can be stifled and made to be clandestine and difficult to
achieve, but impossible? I think not.
i'm not an MP3 listener/collector.. and while i don't care too much
about copyright laws .. i could really care less about the napster
thing.. it hasn't affected me.. although i assume it's a blow for
music piraters around the world..
>yesterday Napster was ordered to shut down its operations...what do the
>people on this list think about this?
>personally I think its really sad...
>sound designer...composer
>microsound hotline server: microsound.dyn.dhs.org
taylor deupree/12k
- with tetsu inoue "active/freeze" full length CD (12k) (july00)
- ".n" CD (ritornell/mille plateaux) (april/may 00)
- "polr" (rastermusic, spring 2000)
- "place" on Maschinelle Strategeme (ritornell/mille plateaux) (00)
- remixing kim cascone "bubblewarp", on "blue cubism" (digital narcis/japan)
- remixing Goem on "extensie" (goem remix CD)
- "continue" MP3/3"CD (fällt/ireland) (june00)
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