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hey, everyone! I was thinking of starting a night at a local coffee 
shop/lounge for avant-hop, click-dub, and ambient. have it be sort of low-key 
and head-nodding, but definitely on the outer edges of the musical and 
ideological periphery.  This will be a big challenge, as i live in the 
regressive city of atlanta, georgia, where any sort of progressive art is 
either misunderstood or simply ignored. either that or is only patronized by 
the bougie-horn-rimmed-design-student-wanna-be-chic crowd.

I'd like to bring different camps together to see their common bond, mainly 
the progressive hip-hop and post-techno/rave musics crowds.  

I have all the usual suspects in my record bag(anti-pop consortium, dilated 
peoples, common, dead prez, pole, vlad delay, oval, boards of canada, 
autechre, fila brazillia, mouse on mars, speedy j, andrea parker, steve 
reich, the list goes on....) but i was wondering if anyone had any 
suggestions about stuff i might not have heard of that borders on the 
accessible but still edgy... mostly ambient stuff that would create a 
comfortable space for people to chat and groove, but would not require that 
their brain be checked at the door or used extensively to process the music.

thanks for any suggestions, and anyone in atlanta please show your presence.

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