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Re: [microsound] off-icmc discourse

Dale Lloyd wrote:

>         "Star systems" are bound to happen within art/music. What I think is
> important is how an individual chooses to deal with this if it happens.
> Whether a "star system" occurs will most always depend on the audience of
> the genre in question, and how they decide that they want to percieve
> artists. One can either be adaptable in the given situation or just
> compose pieces for one's self  without an audience and thus, find one way
> to avoid creating a possible "star system."

This last bit is part of the "conclusion" in Jacques Attali´s "The Politics of
Noise", what he calls composition..."(The) musician plays primarily for himself,
outside of any operationality, spectacle or accumulation of value; when music,
extricating itself from the codes of Sacrifice, Representation and Repetition,
emerges as an activity that is an
end in itself".

"Silence is so accurate."
            -Mark Rothko