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Re: [microsound] MUTEK archives on the web
What's the full schedule??????
At 03:48 PM 9/7/00 +1200, you wrote:
>At 23:15 06/09/00 -0400, Multsanta wrote:
>>At 02:22 PM 9/7/00 +1200, you wrote:
>> >"Turntable performance" might also be called a "DJ set", yes?
>> >
>> >Go go gadget marketing! Or perhaps just a really weird distinction, if
>> >people honestly believe what Brinkmann does with turntables does not
>> >qualify as DJing.
>>i've never witnessed a brinkmann set, but am i wrong in thinking he is the
>>one that utilizes multi-armed turntables to create rhythmic/dubby
>>compostions? if so wouldn't that qualify as a turntable performance? as
>>opposed to a dj set, where records are just mixed. in this day in age the
>>turntable is just as valid of an instrument as the piano. from kid koala
>>to marclay to q-bert... it's a pretty short sighted to think 'that's just
>>for playing records.' in fact, i'm rather surprised to hear such narrow
>>minded commentary on a list that bases it's existence on the belief that
>>telephone tones and slightly modified sine waves are music. ;-)
>I'll try to rephrase what I was thinking, because I wasn't explicit on my
>judgements, and I think you've got me round the wrong way. Maybe not, but
>we'll see. :-)
>I see DJing as a performance, that can range from lining up a couple of
>records to doing all kinds of customisation to your gear, including
>external effects and sound generating devices (eg. Richie Hawtin). I see
>its history as being strong in things like hip-hop and techno. Given the
>diverse range of madness that goes on DJ-wise "in this day and age" and
>that he's ostensibly a techno producer, I was suggesting it's purely
>marketing to call what Brinkmann does anything but DJing.
>So, I'm saying that I read Alain Mongeau as being narrow-minded about
>DJing, selling it short of what it could include. I think you've taken it
>that I was being dismissive of Brinkmann as "a mere DJ", when I was trying
>to argue completely the reverse. I wish DJ was a word that had enough
>prestige to include people like Brinkmann, who might be considered too
>inventive to be DJing, or something. Turntablism is still popularly
>described as a type of DJing, yet the results are very different from
>someone solely beat mixing two tracks. Why isn't what Brinkmann does
>another subset of DJing? Not manual enough once you introduce razors? ;-)
>That said, I think I did knee-jerk without giving it much thought. If I
>wanted to make it clear to an intended audience that someone was
>unequivocally performing their own music on some turntables, I wouldn't
>just bill it as a DJ set. So, yes, it would be for marketing reasons, but
>only in the sense that it'd be stupid to market something using completely
>different meanings to words my audience already use.
>I hope this clarifies where I'm coming from. I am pretty much just thinking
>out loud, but I've tried to spell this out clearly. If anyone has thoughts
>on this, I'd love to hear them.
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