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nausea and volume
Well some of this music's probably better played at low volumes anyway.
Taylor D., no offense...I love your recordings, but man some of those ultra
high frequencies give me a headache! Gotta be careful with that volume
knob. I wonder if there's any truth to the legend that particular sonic
frequencies at high volumes cause disorientation or nausea?
very true.
prolonged exposure to extremely low frequencies can vibrate an
organism at a cellular level.. making cells separate from one
another... below 3Hz has some nasty effects...
motorcyclists are advised not to ride for long durations as the low
frequencies/vibrations can also be damaging too.
on my new CD "series" i use a number of soft high frequency elements,
hushed pops that should be played at low volumes or through a good
set of headphones for correct playback otherwise they become
distorted on many speakers. pitches that only appear to be quiet.
so all parents tell them to keep it down : )
r i c h a r d c h a r t i e r
soundwork . visualwork . designwork .
"untitled" on 12K008 compilation [12k, usa] CD
series [line, usa] CD, sept 2000 http://www.12k.com/line
typeof [fallt, ireland] 3" CD, 2000 http://fallt.com/invalidObject/index.html
"sent" on VARIIOUS comp [intransitive, usa] 2CD, sept 2000
"herein, then" on .00. comp [fylkingen records, sweden] CD, nov 2000
"untitled60sec" on Computer Music Journal comp (CMJ) CD, 2000
"test + duration" (sound installation)
for POST-HUMAN @ Armory Battery Annex, Washington, DC sept 23, 2000
as pickcourtesyphone @ ART-O-MATIC, Washington, DC oct 5, 2000