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Re: [microsound] fashion statement + C-Schulz + Don't Dolby

At 05:15 AM 9/12/00 -0400, Arelar33@xxxxxxx wrote:
>guitar-phallus to center stage as a runway prop
It could also be seen as a sound producing device. Some people might not even
see it as a phallus at all.

I have performed with this indeed as a "sound producing device" in an electronic musical setting without overt phallic overtones (I left my stadium air guitar stage in about the 8th grade) and received quite perplexed looks, as if it were in fact some sort of janitorial implement. At least once I have been interrupted and asked whether a DJ would be arriving soon. But even musicians are tuned to the erotic (or perhaps autoerotic) currents of guitar aesthetics, as any look at the gearporn centerfolds of certain guitar magazines will remind.

And by way of the 5% real micro content promised on the box: I finally got around to the C-Schulz & Hajsch album on Sonig and will recommend it very highly. I would put it closer to the PFN LP on Quiet Artworks (both members are present here) than to the C-Schulz CD on Extreme (although the acoustic instruments make a reappearance) and not close at all to my associations in the past with Sonig, but the location recordings and organic sounds laced within the scraping drones place it nearest to the world of Organum and Ora (one of whose frequent collaborators is here as well), adding a few subtle digital distresses - as well as a bit of Hands To and Sack & Blumm content - for good measure.

And finally, I listened for the first time in months to the CD by Don't Dolby last night and was again quite impressed with the wonders of this album, leading me to wonder if its creator has been up to anything else more recently. Any clues?

joshua maremont / thermal - mailto:thermal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
boxman studies label - http://www.boxmanstudies.com/