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Re: [microsound] microvising

From: kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

while I was performing in Stuttgart this past summer with Pita and Hecker
we had a discussion with the curator of the Kunstlerhaus about laptop
microsound being the "new jazz"...I was wondering if there were any
opinions on this list about the concept of "microvising"?...

It's a nice trope, perhaps the "schizotrope" of the millenium (to steal a term from Pinhas). Certainly a better word than "new jazz" which, though containing the notion of improvisation, has nothing of the new minimalism in the approach. It also suggests "seeing little things" (microvision) as well as revising, re-seeing, or redoing something (after the encounter with the glitch). So I think it's a term loaded with confusing ambiguities and therefore one that deserves currency. The concept also seems to be one of the primary obsessions of Abbey and the Erstwhile label--microvising in duet, but as he suggested elsewhere, not appropriate for those who do not improvise in live performance (Ikeda [perhaps?] and others).
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