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i overlooked the

Sachiko M./Toshimaru Nakamura - un (meme)
the ingredients - Nakamura's no-input mixing board (see recent discussion)
and Sachiko's empty sampler - may not seem promising, but the disc is a
delight. surprisingly expressive and musical sine-wave gestures, grunts of
feedback, impaired beats, and waves of damaged sound. another immediate
access point for the curious. 'can't wait for their forthcoming Erstwhile

Repeat - Temporary Contemporary (For 4 Ears)
[Nakamura, Jason Kahn]
i'm less enamored of this ongoing project, though the self-sampling antics
of Nakamura and Kahn (percussion) are still worth investigating. the
unlikely reference point here is bulletheaded metal basher Z'ev - as
recorded by Kaffe Matthews. sorry if that's needlessly obscure. Repeat just
fail to engage me, for all their pleasant, echo-and-overtone-heavy effort.
my problem with _Temporary Contemporary_ is that it sounds exactly the way
you'd imagine it to sound. not many surprises here. don't count these guys
out, though. the all-star _Improv Meeting at Bar Aoyama_ (Reset),
coordinated by Nakamura, is extraordinary. more details when i get around to
that electronic+instrument improv list.


np: alastair galbraith - cry