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Re: [microsound] Westerkamp (was: electronic improv)
I agree in some respects about the babbling (brooks and just plain
babbling), but one thing that I've come to terms with is that if I want
to listen to field pieces without the babbling, I just listen to
something else. It's as simple as that. I think we get disappointed with
an artist because we build expectations before listening to a work we
haven't heard before. When we listen without expections we tend to take a
piece on it's own terms and not our own.
On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 20:15:54 EDT "virginia maryland"
<hotlinegrrl@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> ....
> >Anyone experienced any of the 'soundwalk' recordings of artists
> such as
> >Hildegaard Westerkamp.
> ......
> I have to say that Hildegard Westerkamp was one of those artists I
> really
> got excited about initially, but eventually I found everything she
> did
> really disappointing.
> The first hint that something was wrong was a kind of low level new
> age
> content (her forest pieces in particular tend to go down this deadly
> road...
> too many babbling brooks and chirping birds...)
> But my biggest complaint is that her pieces really undo themselves.
> "Kits
> Beach Soundwalk", is particularly frustrating in this respect... for
> as much
> as it's about all the miniscule sounds of the beach, the thing you
> hear the
> most is Hildegard Westerkamp talking.... she talks far too much in
> her
> pieces, it's really distracting and it just seems to defeat the
> whole stated
> purpose of 'soundwalking'.
> So once again we see that theory and practice are too far apart,
> which is
> probably the source of most of my music related complaints.
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