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Re: [microsound] pita, fennesz. . . Patches in general

i guess i better set the record straight.

to say that i do not write my own patches is not entirely true. i am not
sure where le quan nin got his info from as i have never spoken to him
about this.
the patches that i use are written by andreas pieper of general magic.
the patch that was used at almost every gig of mine over the last 2 years
was intially written for a general magic and pita show in paris.
the 3 of us (ramon bauer, andi and myself)  sat down and discussed the
basic structure of a patch which with the idea of it being used for future
gm, pita and rehberg & bauer shows.
andi made a few prototypes which ramon and myself tested and reported back
with tips as to how to improve it, which andi would  resend to us.
when everyone was happy it was taken on the road, with further improvments
made when needed.
so, whereas i was not actually writing the code i was present in its
development and hence gave my input.
andi is one of the directors of mego, as are ramon and myself. we each have
our own little jobs within the company. andi is responisble for a our
technical needs.
whenever asked about patches i have always said andi is the one who writes
the code with intial input from us, this has also been stated in
interviews, but never seems to get printed
we are currently working on a new patch for the pita set (which was used on
recent shows in japan, holland and the uk). the new general magic patch has
being doing the rounds as well.

basically, what i am trying to say is that general magic, pita, rehberg and
bauer perform on super collider patches developed by mego.

now what exactly are were getting away with ?