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Re: [microsound] nuno cannavaro

On Fri, 1 Dec 2000 12:26:03 -0800 (PST) christian jay sienkiewicz
<klipkit@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Let's talk about plux quba. A while back, I did some
> translations of song titles and words on the record,
> and came up with some stricking results. Song titles
> like "Deep Dark Alsee," and "Cave," and "Mist." I have
> a feeling that Plux Quba has something to do with the
> mysteries of nature... it's ambience.
> So my question is this: With so many modern artists
> taking nods from the Plux Quba, why is every record in
> this genre sooooooo very devode of nature? What went
> wrong? I think that Markus Popp is pretty funny for
> making melody out of tricking everyone into thinking
> their CD players are about to exploded.... but that's
> no lifestyle! I'm sorry, it's just song titles like
> "01," "02," "03 (version 2.0)" just don't get me that
> excited anymore.
> I'd like to atleast see "the Deep Dark 02nd Cave
> (version 2.0)" or something. What do you all think?
Well, I imagine that some may tell you to listen to something else if
you're looking for more "nature". As you can see at the end of this
e-mail, one of my projects (no plug intended), DASL~Zen Tread, deals a
lot with natural processes that are inherent in electronic sound
phenomena. The tracks created are titled alpha/numeric to allow the
listener to create their own associations. I suppose because some of my
work (DZT included) can be considered "microsound" and being that I've
never heard Markus Pop, nor do I know what "Plux Quba" is, shows that I
haven't taken any direct cues from them and that not everything in "this"
genre does so. Maybe I am really trying to plug my works and don't
realize it! OK, someone please familierize me with "Plux Quba" so I can
lose my innocence. ;-)  
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