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extensive use of" dsp and non-realtime manipulation was:Re: [microsound]: What is microsound ? [was: autechre/richard

>which has been acheived through
> "extensive use of" dsp and non-realtime manipulation of recorded live
> instrument.

Hardly... why not real-time, and why so "extensive." Plenty do do it in
real-time. . .

A project me and a friend (n.kra) have been doing is dulling computers where
each on is plugged into the input of the other (through a mixer so we can
hear what were doing). Plenty or real time processing going on. .  A very
exciting feed-back loop indeed. . .

now onto "extensive use of. . . d(IGITAI)sp"
Listen to f.lopez sometimes its right from the field and right to you. . .

or the recording "drone hill" (I cant remember the maker right now
for'edexsp'er can help you out) the entire CD is excerpts from recordings
made with contact mics under high voltage wires. (BTW I tried it and I
didn't get the same results).

or Philip jeck (real-time and hardly extensive and hardly digital (BTW
"vinyl coda 1,2,3" is wonderful)
or that schafer man (the quad needle turntable man).

sorry for the lack of flushed out references. . .


on 1/12/01 2:48 PM, microsound-digest-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx at
microsound-digest-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> From: "teardropb teardropb" <boygothic@xxxxxxxxxxx>