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Re: [microsound] cd burning speeds and audio
I'm a bit late on this one, but I thought it could be
interesting to add a few things I recently heard
during my audio engineering course :
- If you plan to send a CD-r to a mastering studio,
you should choose metalazo-cyanine CD-rs (blue ones I think) which
apparently produce less drops than others. A few good
names : Verbatim, Taiyo Yudens (hard to find), and Mitsui as
other people already said.
Now about the speed :
-Burning a CD at 1x speed is not (strange but true) the good
solution to obtain an error-free master : the laser spend too
much time on each bit and burns more than it should. It produces
errors n°1 (inaudible) or even 2 (recalculated by yr player but
refused by the mastering system if there are too much type 2 errors).
It seems that the best speeds to burn RedBook CD-r are 2x and 4x.
If you burn quicker the problem is reversed : the laser do not spend
enough time on each bit and it could cause problems like errors
N°1,2 and 3 (this one is a BIG drop and a mastering system will
refuse to use a source which contain a single error 3)
These suggestions have no real interest for "domestic" use :
You could burn a CD or maybe 100 CD at 12x without noticing a
single problem. It only has an interest when you must give
something correct to a mastering studio (but as someone mentionned
this studio is about to do his job with nearly everything
you give them) with less drops possible (which is essential
before sending the final digital master to the pressing plant
as you all know). The hard+software systems
used for mastering does include a precise listing of drops and their
classification (1,2,3).
Hope this helps.