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Re: [microsound] cd burning speeds and audio
On Sat, 10 Feb 2001 12:16:05 +0100 bjeannin <bjeannin@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Hello,
> I'm a bit late on this one, but I thought it could be
> interesting to add a few things I recently heard
> during my audio engineering course :
> - If you plan to send a CD-r to a mastering studio,
> you should choose metalazo-cyanine CD-rs (blue ones I think) which
> apparently produce less drops than others. A few good
> names : Verbatim, Taiyo Yudens (hard to find), and Mitsui as
> other people already said.
> Now about the speed :
> -Burning a CD at 1x speed is not (strange but true) the good
> solution to obtain an error-free master : the laser spend too
> much time on each bit and burns more than it should. It produces
> errors n°1 (inaudible) or even 2 (recalculated by yr player but
> refused by the mastering system if there are too much type 2 errors).
> It seems that the best speeds to burn RedBook CD-r are 2x and 4x.
> If you burn quicker the problem is reversed : the laser do not spend
> enough time on each bit and it could cause problems like errors
> N°1,2 and 3 (this one is a BIG drop and a mastering system will
> refuse to use a source which contain a single error 3)
> These suggestions have no real interest for "domestic" use :
> You could burn a CD or maybe 100 CD at 12x without noticing a
> single problem. It only has an interest when you must give
> something correct to a mastering studio (but as someone mentionned
> this studio is about to do his job with nearly everything
> you give them) with less drops possible (which is essential
> before sending the final digital master to the pressing plant
> as you all know). The hard+software systems
> used for mastering does include a precise listing of drops and their
> classification (1,2,3).
Thanks Brice. This is also good info for people doing cdr labels, such as
myself. I have been using Taiyo Yuden's and burn all my discs at 4x on a
Redbook HP burner. So far, so good. If a larger run is required, I have a
place in town that can burn 100 (+ or - ) cdrs ($.99 each + or - ).
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