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jonas lindgren - 'bugling', etc.

hello everybody

>>it is some sort of rebellion against aesthetics? I mean the =
>>piece of paper along with the cd stuffed in a plastic bag? All >>it =

cheap. i know. ok. well i really don't have the funds to put out a cd with color cover etc, etc. i've always told jonas that this release should've come out in a nice label like mego or fallt or something... i just tried to do something for jonas cause i think his work deserves attention. i FIRMLY belive he's one of the top sound makers out there today. he is THAT good. this is not a rebellion against aesthetics, i think this is still diy culture, and as i've said many times to many people, packaging is not that improtant when music is this good.

>hm...yeah, it's very low-budget. a friend of mine had spent >quite some =
>time doing the original layout and all, and when eco told me 
>it was =
>going to be b/w i mostly felt bad for him. but the thing is, >jorge is an =
>excellent promoter, and imho i owe him a lot... if they asked me >to =
>release anything there again, i probably would!

i DID feel like shit when you told me that, jonas, but i assure you that it was all i could do. thanks for the kind words. and be sure that we will have more lindgren releases on eco.

by the way, jonas lindgren's 'bugling' cdr is now sold out.

thanks and please don't take this reply in a bad way guys,
- jorge | eco

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