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Re: [microsound] Performing "Live"
ok forget this. it is going nowhere. you seem to
believe that i am arguing that the computer is without
it's limitations as an instrument, which i never tried
to argue. you seem very stuck on particular styles of
"music". a computer has it's limitations as an
instrument, yes. as does guitar, as does a drum kit,
as does piano.... you keep referring to very standard
practices of improvisation(cycling 4th....so on.).
obviously we are not going to meet anywhere in the
middle here.... i am thinking Cage-ian(god i hate
saying it like that) and you seem to be coming from a
..... ummmm, Mehldau-ian? mindset. i wonder really what
you are trying to accomplish with this argument or
even what you are trying to accomplish on this list.
to devaluate "microsound"? you come across much like a
jazz die-hard trying to come to grips with punk rock
in the 70's or a rock die-hard trying to understand
the point of hip-hop in the 80's.
and yes. yes i understand all music and life for that
matter can be broken down to micro-rythms and
bio-rythms and so forth. and i knew that you would
throw that in.... i was simply too bored of this by
that point to put a mention of that in the prior post.
so congrats for the academic bonus points!
> was giving an example. shall i give another? say the
> band starts playing
> through the cycle of 4ths, playing really out
> symmetrical chord voicings and
> going further and further up in 4ths (EG: tonalities
> shifting from C, F, Bb,
> Eb etc) and the audience is cheering, screaming,
> going higher and higher and
> pretty much fluorishing through the chromatic scale
> but continously striving
> higher and higher. then they start extending chords
> into the highest
> structures by shifting fully extended maj/min chords
> at alternating maj/min
> 3rds apart. (eg: Cmaj13, Emin13, Gmaj13, Bmin13) ...
> do you spontaneously sequence all of these key
> changes and attempt to keep
> up? no because you are limited in that respect,
> instead you can do something
> else like make a weird noise. sure, the weird noise
> is unexpected and
> ostensibly "creative". but remember that the point
> here is about the
> limitations, and in this example, the computer is
> very limited. my argument
> also has not been refuted, that the moment of
> spontaneity lies in the
> trigger->response of the instrument, and that in the
> case of the computer
> the only spontaneous moment would be pressing play.
> > not all music composed
> > or improvised is rythm based.
> actually i think pretty much everything composed of
> anything is rhythm
> based. all life forms and molecular structure,
> atoms, etc.
> > we might as well toss
> > out the harmonium, hurdy-gurdy, tambura...
> the first note they play is the first beat of a
> measure. what defines the
> tempo and time signature is the remaining notes. how
> is rhythm not existent
> here?
> > even though they are steeped in centuries of
> > improvised history(believe it or not, but people
> were
> > improvising looonnnggg before king crimson and
> their
> > zillion time changes).
> for this i will refer you to--
> http://www.ghawazee.org/rhy/rhythm.html
> and
> http://www.ghawazee.org/rhy/rhylist.html
> please look over this and get back to me.
> > no a computer would not be the ideal instrument to
> > play be-bop on.
> actually they have computers that will play bebop.
> but its a little
> different isn't it?
> > or play the lead in a prog-rock
> > group....
> my computer could "play the lead" .. or do you mean
> play it _live_ ??
> > you wouldn't have the timpani play the
> > oboe's part in a symphony either would you?
> what?
> > it's really a shame that in most people's minds
> > improvising means shooting off notes at the speed
> of
> > light or changing the time signature every x # of
> > bars.
> either you're referring to me, in which case i am
> _NOT_ "most people" or you
> are making a nonsensical moot point about some
> unmentioned group that you
> are in contact with but the rest of the world is
> not, yet is comprised of an
> implied majority of this entire world population.
> ("most people")
> -jonah
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