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I think Richards comment about a digital forest is right on the mark, alot
of people have said the same thing when I go out and dj stuff of this sort.
Personally I respond to how the sounds interact with each other, and i find
myself fascinated by the little evoling worlds or forests that seem to grow
and change organically. Biosphere tends to have this same effect for me. as
well as pimmons work. I do think alot of people have a difficult time
allowing themselves to enjoy this sort of thing, some of my friends with
strong musical backgrounds cant get past the surface cause they are looking
for musical concepts to navigate them through the peice, or they have to be
satisfiyed that the track is musically dynamic, but this stuff really dosent
use beats or melodies in such a straight forward manner, maybe its more
about an obsession with sound and process.
hope that is clear.
multimedia_designer / information_architect