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Re: [microsound] personality/gesture

hey there bob

there's a wonderful [new] interview on pitchforkmedia.com with Jan of mouse ON mars, that tangentially connects to the issue of personality in music (or electronig/processed music, as it were). jan mentions that "Everyone has his own face, everyone has his own gestures, and everyone has his own language, in a way, and everyone should have his own sound. And so, I think, 'Okay, that's my sound.'"

thanks for pointing this link out. i really like/agree with that statement.

i really dig the simplicity of his statement (esp. compared to the non-simplicity of MOM music), as Jan isn't afraid to project an "identity" onto his music----his OWN identity. of course, one could argue that the idea of "one's own gestures" and "one's own sound" are just our own assemblies of other sounds and other gestures, but i think he says that everyone has the potential to replicate/reorganize "sound" on his or her own terms, in his or her own particular pattern.

i definitely identify with sounds i work with but not in a way that is externalized through my personality/physical persona in an obvious way. (any one that has met me could say i am a goof ball... ) so it is more personal connection.. perhaps internalized.

we all have our way of communicating but is it the goal of all types of music to communicate? or communicate something about the artist?

i have always made work that i enjoyed be it sound or painting. it is important to me that i create something that i want to hear or see. communicating to myself.... hmmmmmmm.... strange......

MOM music isn't stony-faced robotica like autechre. Jan is responsible for some of the most (to my ears) soothing, fuzzy stuff on the market, and he seems eager to "identify" with his own music. i like that.

definitely quirky stuff.. in a good and unique way...

r -- + + r i c h a r d c h a r t i e r


series [LINE, usa] CD http://www.12k.com
"untitled60sec" in Computer Music Journal (MIT press, usa) CD
"010101" on between two points comp [12k/LINE, usa] 2CD http://www.12k.com
"filer" on clicks & cuts 2 comp [mille plateaux, germany] 2CD, april 2001 http://www.mille-plateaux.com

typeof [fallt, ireland] 3" CD, april 2001 http://www.fallt.com
Layeral Intersect #2: psuedosphere [deadtech/anechoic, usa] 3" CD, april 2001 http://deadtech.net/store.htm
decisive forms [trente oiseaux, germany] CD, june 2001 http://www.trenteoiseaux.com