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Re: [microsound] autechre ain't what they used to be
hello.. adding my 2cents to your 2p. : )
just to add my 2p. on the "autechre ain't what they used to be" debate.
saw autechre at lovebytes as well, "failed to enage" is perhaps the best
description . much like the audience who only took their heads out of their
asses, and got to their feet en masse when the autechre appeared, thought
that shit only happened at rock concerts. honestly I think the best
indicator of the dynamic in any "scene" is to look at the audience, at
lovebytes I was left wondering WHERE are the freaks? even the 2 or 3 freaks
present were not REAL freaks. only saw nice, well groomed, well dressed
"serious young people" with short hair cuts & plenty of disposable income to
spend in the overpriced bars. not a junkie in sight. it did promise to get
interesting when some guy got really drunk and started to kick a chair about
on sunday, but by then it was too late, i am afraid.
i dont understand how what someone looks like equates to their
freakness... or interestingness.
so is a show a failure by virtue of its audience.... ? i prefer to
think of it in terms of whether i enjoyed and not what the person
next to me looks like (even if they are doing some kind of butterfly
motion with their hands... hehe)
so was the show that non-engaging that the people watching was a last
resort : )
although i will agree with you about the crowd jumping to its feet...
very odd... but not suprising, seems to be the norm..
perhaps the lighters in the air is next. i think people expected to
start dancin.
nothing else really of note over the whole weekend, though was pretty
impressed by hecker, very harsh set, in contrast to one I saw him play last
year which was a lot more "sculpted" and precise. anyway, imo felix kubin
shat over everybody at the festival on sunday, when he dared to display a
"personality". but then I am biased.
felix kubin was
his personality is very much intrinsic to his work... whereas i dont
think the other performers work (such as myself) incorporates
displays of "personality". my work and my personality are two
separate entities.. very different.. other than i am a
perfectionist... : )
does anyone have thoughts on this concept of "personality" in electronic music.
i think it is all very dependant on the type of work you are doing.
for example felix kubin's work is made even more enganging by his
interaction with the audience.
but the only other artist that i have seen that really uses this is CEX.
"multilayered anarchic mix" "sonically deadly mix of noise and beats" that
turn upside down everytime you thought you knew where it was going.
<sigh> gimme a break mmmmm... do you guys get out much? or do you write for
The Wire? come to Glasgow and you can hear this sort of set every weekend
played by drunken neds* at a parties in Glasgow. a few old Chicago & UR
records plus a bottle of vodka usually can simulate the "russell haswell dj
experiance". Only costs 6.75 (for the vodka) as well.
perhaps we are not as lucky as you to live in such an exciting world
of stimuli such as you described : )
the question becomes "is it chaos.. or is it organized chaos"
(not currently writing for the wire)
+ + r i c h a r d c h a r t i e r
series [LINE, usa] CD http://www.12k.com
"untitled60sec" in Computer Music Journal (MIT press, usa) CD
"010101" on between two points comp [12k/LINE, usa] 2CD http://www.12k.com
"filer" on clicks & cuts 2 comp [mille plateaux, germany] 2CD, april
2001 http://www.mille-plateaux.com
typeof [fallt, ireland] 3" CD, april 2001 http://www.fallt.com
Layeral Intersect #2: psuedosphere [deadtech/anechoic, usa] 3" CD,
april 2001 http://deadtech.net/store.htm
decisive forms [trente oiseaux, germany] CD, june 2001