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Re: [microsound] Fallt/invalidObject Series
this info is probably on fallts site, but anyways, how much will the boxset
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Murphy" <chris@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 8:10 PM
Subject: [microsound] Fallt/invalidObject Series
> Dear All,
> Regarding the status of the invalidObject Series CDs...
> Apologies if I don't always respond to each and every question
> personally, but I've been trying to keep everyone updated by posting to
> and a select number of other lists.
> Firstly, a small but salient, point. Contrary to popular opinion, I do not
> run Fallt full-time. I have a full-time job, hence the seemingly
> inexplicable pauses in communication from this corner of the world;
> me, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm merely rushed off my feet. I also have
> wife and two small children who, recently, I never seem to see.
> The reason is, largely, that I seem to have spent a disproportionate
> of my life over the last several months at printers, organising
> of faulty CDs, etc., etc., etc.
> I hope the following will give as clear an indication as possible to where
> the Series currently stands.
> As many of you will know through personal correspondence it would be
> an understatement to say that, with the benefit of hindsight, attempting
> to release a full 24 CD Series in one go is anything but easy. Needless to
> say, by trying to release everything simultaneously any technical
> affecting even one CD holds up all the CDs.
> I'll resist the urge to make promises ("they're due to be released
> "pretty soon"..."). Suffice to say, Cara (my wife), Ross (my 3.5 year old
> son) and Caitlin (my 1.5 year old daughter) look forward to the day when
> stop tripping over the 4,500 + CD jewel cases and 8,000 + 3" CDs that
> to have over-run our house. So...
> The CDs are pressed. All are fine, bar two which are being repressed due
> an audio glitch (in one case) and a visual glitch (in the other). The rest
> are (see above) taking over our house. The jewel cases are here, ready to
> go. The last component in production is (are?) the inserts.
> I'm literally just back from three hours at the printer's checking
> wet proofs and find myself asking: Why do we insist on trying to push the
> technical envelope! (?!@#$%!).
> Specifically there was the following technical problem: To overprint a
> metallic ink with a solid layer of black (i.e. what we are trying to
> for Akira Rabelais' 'Void' CD) is technically very difficult as the black
> refuses to adhere to the metallic substrate. Needless to say
> overprinting/obliterating an entire layer of ink is not your average
> run-of-the-mill process so a great deal of painstaking explanation was
> required (i.e.: "Please: Just do what I ask you!")
> Hence the three hours at the printers (my long-suffering wife Cara was
> hauled in for a second opinion). We managed to develop a workaround
> which involves passing the inserts through the press a total of eight
> (EIGHT!) for a two colour job and allowing for a one hour drying time
> between each pass.
> We finally returned home well after 22.00, tired and hungry, but with a
> sheet of proofs that we were happy with and which (surprise) added another
> layer of clutter to the house.
> So, to the burning question: when will all this be ready? The inserts
> be ready by Monday (that's 04 June) by which time we'll endeavour to
> and post out as many orders as we can. The boxed sets (of which there are
> only 100 - and very few remaining) will need to wait until the two
> outstanding CDs are re-pressed. The plant assures us though that this will
> be "...within the next week".
> I hope the above answers some of the questions and I can only apologise
> what has been a very lengthy procedure, but I'm absolutely confident that
> the wait will be worthwhile.
> Take care,
> Christopher
> | """..NOW PLAYING..00.02.0001---||||...
> | 0000
> | XXXX¨¨¨¨JOHN FAHEY | CITY OF REFUGE --------------------- <>
> | 0000 \\\\..\\\\
> http://www.fallt.com | info@xxxxxxxxx
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