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Re: [microsound] I-book, Powerbook or G4 Cube

Tips to purchase apple: don't buy the first lot. Remember ibook, the 
difference of the first and last generation: firewire, video out, faster
CPU. remember cube, mold line, CD-R. remember G4 Desktop, dual CPU at the
same price in a year, 10 times ethernet (100baseT to Gigabit), new keyboard
and mouse, and cool glowing power button.
> I would go with the iBook.
> ...i run SuperCollider just fine on a G3 300 Tower
yes you would beucase....you don't own one. you know USB audio/midi
interface deal? they steal CPU power: you can see it when you run
SuperCollider. Firewire audio products aren't so mature yet, there're only a
couple firewire audio interface to choose from. not enough.

wait, just wait. not now. at least MWNY, possibly the next one. Also why
spend money now? everybody don't have money, they're not buying stuff
-meaning, you have to do post-bata test and make reviews and stuff... Unless
you like doing it, wait for MW San Francisco: you'll see the good picture of
what Apple's trying to do by then. I would wait.

(let the web people, wannado internet people or microsoft-word people to buy
those stuff, and visit him/her and test drive. non-audio or non-video people
will like what they get.)