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new release: Tetsu Inoue & Andrew Deutsch 'Field Tracker'

Available now on anomalous records, "Field Tracker"
more details available at:

"Field Tracker" was recorded at the Institute for
Electronic Art, Alfred NY during the Winter of 2000.
Inoue, utilizing his digital sound processing systems
in combination with bells, guitar, and other odd sound
making objects, constructed tiny improvisational sound
moments each one having a shape and gesture of their
own. These "micro compositions" were at times highly
abstract and noisy and at other times extremely
melodic and calm. Many of these micro compositions
were used in the production of his recent release
"Object and Organic Code", the others (almost 2 hours
worth) were handed over to Andrew Deutsch who was to
construct another release combining sounds of his own.
Being responsible for the overall "Auskomponierung" or
"compositional unfolding" of the work, Deutsch
combined synthesized sounds, drones, chatter, loops
and other DSP techniques to produce what he hoped
would be a kind of "Gebrauchsmusik" or "useful music"
that one might use in the home. The work has a notion
of "ambitendency" built into it, that is, the tendency
toward change combined with an equal tendency toward
stasis. The work could be described as
"meta-divisionism", 'Baroque Minimalism", or "expanded
systemic digital minimalism". Sound works for our new
recombinatory world."

Official Tetsu Inoue Homepage:

Institute for Electronic Arts:

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