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Re: [microsound] labels
On Mon, 27 Aug 2001 11:37:14 -0400 taylor deupree <taylor@xxxxxxx>
> i, personally, go through periods of both.. where i tell people "no,
> sorry we're no accepting demos right now".. and other times "please
> send them in"... simply because there are some real gems out there
> waiting to be discovered... i mean, dan abrams/shuttle358 comes to
> mind immediately.. as he crafted a very unique and original sound
> early on and his music has been very much enjoyed by people.
Yeah, I saw a copy of a shuttle 358 release recently. Something about it
made me pause. Perhaps I should go back and give it a listen.
> yes.. because, frankly, you aren't going to know whether it's good
> or
> not until it's listened to.. except for the obvious ones.. like i
> said in my email.. when i get a demo that's rock and roll or heavy
> metal or something where the person simply hasn't done an ounce of
> reasearch before sending to us...
Agreed! Now that's something I could rant about on the artist's end of
things, but I'll spare everyone! ;-)
Best, Dale
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