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Re: [microsound] Re: [micro$$$$$$$$$ound]
I guess asking for _24_ bottles of Evian is a bit much (how long was this
person staying in town for ?), but depending on the size of the bottles
that would probably only come out to around 50 US dollars. I guess that's
a big deal if you're working with a _really_ limited budget.
Did you say these artists you're referring to were from Europe ? Maybe
they're used to more government funding for the arts or something ?
You're not referring to Mr. Vladislav "Prada" Delay, are you ? Heh heh
On Mon, 8 Oct 2001, Neil Wiernik wrote:
> yeah thats how it was for us to in fact we booked all the same artists you
> have mentioned:
> kit clayton, monolake, sutekh, jake mandell, algorithum, altitude,
> fishead, stewart walker, machine, unit, phenchia, marcus smeckler, bob
> ostertagg. dan lui, therum, martin tetrault and so
> on... as soon as our event gained some noteriety (shorty after the 6
> month point) artists started getting piggish if you will and decided
> because they heard of our event in thier neck of the weeod that we are
> popular enough to afford thier silly request. They best one yet and the
> artist will remain nameless was: 24 bottles of evian water, 4 liters of
> diet coke, 4 of the best hambergers you can get in Toronto with 4 orderes
> of fries...... I was waiting to for the rider to ask for smarties with all
> the brown ones removed.... give me a break...
> Any how this is not to say that all artists are like that in fact the list
> I listed above were all sweet as pie to deal with its the ones Im not
> mentioning that suck as people to deal with. I think its time for artists
> to get the perspective they need to realise that just becasue some one
> books a show it does not mean that they can meet all kinds of needs.
> Be happy if you dont loose money out of it, like Ive always said if it
> doesnt cost you any thing youve not lost any thing...
> and the chance to poolay some place other then your studio is a whicked
> chance for others to hear your music, thats payment enough at least thats
> how I see it. I mean when elelctronic music becomes arena rock sized then
> we can talk untill then the small tunr outs will never meet the demands
> that some spoiled artists are asking for. I mean if some one really wants
> to make money from some thing like this well you have a better chance of
> doing so marketing your self towards the rave circuit or the festival
> curcuit other wise you cant draw water from a stone...
> Neil...