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Re: [microsound] Re: [micro$$$$$$$$$ound]

Neil Wiernik wrote:
> They best one yet and the artist will remain nameless was: 24 bottles of
> evian water, 4 liters of diet coke, 4 of the best hambergers you can get in
> Toronto with 4 orderes of fries

I dunno, call me crazy but "Hamburgers are ok if they're made out of meat" and
"don't make me pay bar prices for fucking water while I'm hanging around between
sound check and my set" don't seem like extreme requests ... dinner the day of
show really seems to come under the "you don't lose money" rubric, especially if
you're on tour and it's not reasonable to fend for yourself.

Jim Flannery                                             newgrange@xxxxxxx

     "It isn't so much the horrible things that have happened;
      it is the degraded attitudes of the people after the happenings 
      that destroy all hope. They blink, and go on. 
      But it isn't the same selves that go on."
                                                     -- R.A. Lafferty
np: Nurse with Wound, _Second Pirate Session_
nr: Joel Rose, _New York Sawed in Half_