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Re: [microsound] aesthetic approach
on 11/02/01 8:31 AM, Mark Khemma at mkhemma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hello,
> i was wondering how some of you folks here approach music making?
> i'm keeping the question pretty open and vageu here just because people
> have such diverse mindsets on how their creativity is presented. answer it
> in any way that you like: spiritually, analytically, sarcastically,
> electroaccoustically, digitally, etc.
> just curious
> -mark
Well, some 'compositions' are like homework projects in a music school of
my own design.: By that, I mean I need to figure out how to use a program,to
find out whether certain processes will be pleasing to the ear( like
printing something to tape then running it back into the computer to mix
with something that hasn't been printed to tape), and I need to come up with
something 'real' to make the efforts worthwhile.
There is also a type of piece that is like a premonition, or at least
meant for something or someone specific;
To create, illuminate or resolve a social situation.
Recently I have been working on compositions that form a sort of narrative.
A narrative of 'states' perhaps is the way to explain it- where the listener
is taken from one place to another to another yet is always experiencing in
the first person.
[ As an aside I always look upon efforts to describe music in terms of
other art forms with suspicion. In spite of the way it is used to try to
exploit people, sell products etc., music is still(in my opinion) the great
art form:one can tell stories , create physical spaces, freeze water, start
fires , tell stories and so forth]
Anyway, in this novelistic approach, I hear textures that are probably
similar to other peoples compositions, the difference is where it begins and
where it ends up. I don't know how it works for other people yet since only
two have listened to excerpts.The composition is called 'Those cretan
teenagers like me'and if someone wants to see the cover design I will
cheerfully email it to them.
The point I'm attempting to make with this rather drawn out explanation is
that my best work seems to have a joking side, a serious side, highly
commercial and selflessly generous, sloppy and fanatically structured.
enough for now?
Bill Jarboe
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