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Looking for Ideas and Suggestions Regarding Starting a Magazine...

Hello Folks;

I'm kicking around an idea to start a magazine (either print or e-zine in
PDF format) that would bring some sort of coverage of new music (be it free
jazz, progressive, modern classical, electroacoustic, black ambient, this
sort of thing) to areas such as Eastern Europe as well as Central and South
America.  I'm considering having it done in English, Russian and Spanish to
get coverage.  I'd like some feedback and suggestions if this is possible,
as there really is nothing like "Wire Magazine" or these types of zines in
these areas, and in order to build markets, people need to know what's out

Any advice would be appreciated.

Apologies if you see this in a bunch of mail lists and newsgroups.

Rudy Carrera
Falçata-Galia Recordings / Tariff Records
PO Box 134 - Rialto, California 92377 - USA
http://www.falcata-galia.com  http://www.tariffrecords.com