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------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- PERIODIC PUBLIC COMPETITION FOR SOUND PROJECTS DEADLINE: March 11, 2002 Contemporary Culture Centre of Barcelona-CCCB -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

PERIODIC is a public competition for projects based on the most
experimental music, in relation to the theme of TYRANNY. It is a musical
activity organised to coincide with the exhibition TIRAN(i)A which is to
be presented at the CCCB (Contemporary Culture Centre of Barcelona) from
24 January to 28 April 2002.

To enter the competition, participants should present a project for a
basically musical activity which takes as its central theme TYRANNY,
everything that this concept suggests to the artist.

The two winners will each give a concert/action on 19 and 20 April 2002
the auditorium of the CCCB. They will also each receive a cash prize of
1,500 Euros, which will include all expenses (composition, performance,

The project, including a detailed explanation of the activity, must
the CCCB by 11 March. It may be presented in traditional format or on
computerised support for Windows 2000. The jury will particularly value
the incorporation of elements which are extraneous or related to music
(video, dance, performance, visual arts, literature, etc...).

The space will be equipped with all the infrastructure needed to
a concert with the possibility of simultaneous projection and the
necessary backline.

The complete conditions are available for consultation at the CCCB or on
the web site: http://www.cccb.org

Montalegre, 5. 08001 Barcelona, Spain
Tel. + fax. +34 933 064 100
contact: info@xxxxxxxx
URL: http://www.cccb.org

Deadline: March 15, 2002 Please post, duplicate and distribute



FUNDS 2002.

   FINISHING FUNDS provides artists with grants up to $1500 to help
with the completion of electronic media and film art works which are
currently in progress. Eligible forms include audio, film and video as
single or multiple channel presentations, computer-based moving-image
and sound works, installations and performances, and works for new
technologies, multimedia and the Web. The panel looks for inventive work
that takes risks. All genres are eligible, including experimental,
narrative and documentary art works. Individual artists can apply
directly to the program and do not need a sponsoring organization.
Applicants must be residents of New York State.  Full time enrolled
students are ineligible.

   The application requires a project description, resume and support
materials, including a sample of the proposed project. Selection is made
by a peer review panel. About $15,000 is awarded each year. The program
is supported in part by public funds from the New York State Council on
the Arts, a public agency.

   Guidelines and applications are available on the web at
www.experimentaltvcenter.org or by mail after January 31, 2002.

Sherry Miller Hocking, Program Director

Experimental Television Center 109 Lower Fairfield Rd. Newark Valley, NY 13811 phone/fax (607) 687-4341

etc@ experimentaltvcenter.org

-- Sherry Miller Hocking Experimental Television Center www.experimentaltvcenter.org

109 Lower Fairfield Rd.
Newark Valley  NY 13811
Phone/fax  607 687-4341

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