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Re: [microsound] herbs&spice and everything nice
On Sat, 2002-02-02 at 16:37, anechoic wrote:
> >And I thought Kim was more of an oregano man
> nope, actually a basil man...more like a basil junkie...I pour copious
> amounts of basil and dried cranberries onto my salad which usually helps my
> Max patches sound, well, uh , more crispy %)
basil is very good.
> any for anyone who doesn't believe that the "tool is the message": please
> don't come up to me and ask me what software I'm using or ask to see my Max
> patch after I perform...the need to know this is a clear indication that
> the software was very much part of my performance...
in which case, maybe 'tool' is the wrong word. howabout "the code is
the composition" - and so the performance is a variant of (or
interaction with) that composition.