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Stasisfield.com - Art Gallery Call For Submissions
Apologies for the bumpy start on our launch day earlier this week.
We've since upgraded our bandwidth and hope to have alleviated most
of the problem accessing our site now. Thanks for being patient!
an exploration of our changing relationship to the world of words
Stasis_Space Gallery
On Display 3 June 2002 - 1 July 2002
The printed word functions as a primal mode of communication, yet
several conditions must be met in order for that function to be fully
realized. Words must be organized, presented, comprehended and
interpreted, and often are used in collaboration with other forms of
communication such as pictures, sounds and video. As modern society
becomes more dependent upon purely visual imagery rather than written
language for conveying ideas, how is our relationship to the written
word affected? Through a series of art pieces spanning many
disciplines, this exhibition will explore our ever-evolving
interaction with the written word.
To Submit a Proposal:
Please email a proposal (not finished work) for your final piece to
space@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Your proposal should include the following:
1. Your name
2. The name of your piece
3. The media of your piece (i.e. mp3, flash file, digital photo, etc.)
4. A detailed description of the piece and how it relates to the show's concept
Works in all media suited for presentation over the internet will be
considered, including (but not limited to): audio, video, flash,
shockwave applications, digital photography, traditional or digital
painting, essays or any combination thereof.
All proposals must be received by 19 April 2002. Artists will be
notified of their acceptance by 22 April 2002.
All accepted work must be received by 12 May 2002.
Final deliverable work will be accepted either on cd-r via
conventional mail or preferably a url to its location online. Artists
whose work is accepted will receive more details about final delivery
with their acceptance notification.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
John Kannenberg