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Re: [microsound] laptops kim's article
> i am unconvinced by the idea that the laptop objection stems from it
> being a business tool. i think mac have shifted our perceptions since
> the iMAC and subsequent titanium etc laptops...desirable - one dreams
> of these things >> when i got my grey pillow iBOOK my gf was a
> little envious of how i handled it.
> i don't think MAC lappies are seen as business tools etc maybe
> for the hip and slightly left of field business types >> the
> computer is now firmly part of the entertainment business, for young,
> energetic music loving (iTUNES) artistic (digital camera carrying)
> types
so it's really all about image then, eh? i give up. i'll get myself a
fucking COMMODORE 64. trust me, THAT doesn't look anything like a
business tool. & girls just LOVE the way i handle it!!!@# (it's all in
the fingers you know?) speaking of which, one of my friends got himself
a mac laptop, with the lame flashing apple in the back, & he was
thinking of x'ing it out with duct tape (something which i doubt kid606
would do.) hey, they got fucking picasso (after he died even) & god
know who for their advertising, don't tell me they ALSO need to get
everyone to carry around that retarded flashing apple? but NO!!! we
can't get rid of the apple, it's survival!!! brand recognition for the
poor lonely apple corporation, trying to keep its consumers away from
the unfair (i will certainly concede that) competition from
arrogantsoft! in the face of evil, let's turn ourselves into walking
billboards! but you know what, i hear macs & PCs really come from the
same sweatshop in malaysia.
well, it looks like i got carried away again. i must confess the last
time i dreamt of a computer (much less a, ugh, "lappy") was when i was
10 years old & got a TRS-80 for my birthday. i actually enjoy bulky,
square solid state computers. i also like the old volvos.
have a nice day
~ david