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Re: [microsound] "fonorama" april playlists

>>yes, it is. richard and taylor have been great to us (btw cheers to both of
>>them). it has been generally well received and reviewed on american
>>magazines (ambientrance, faqt, xlr8r, boston's weekly dig, grooves,
>>incursion). in fact we got just one negative review on vital weekly
>>(frankly speaking: an out-of-focus one, not because it was negative, but
>>because it totally failed to catch the issue).
>hi nicola
>so what issue did I miss then? curious to know...

dear frans,
nice to hear from you, i'm glad you replied to this and i'm writing you
off-list, as i don't want to bore the whole list with "private" matters...
until soon, best :: nicola

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