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SLAPART.COM --- Paradiso, Berk, Pita MP3s ---- Kinnie .MOV

(for immediate release)

                                         FREE!  FREE!  FREE!

ALL NEW              PARADISO ,  BERK  ,   PITA                 ALL NEW

           Slapart.com Releases Three New MP3s and One New .MOV

paul paradiso "okayfantastic"

A learned Max/MSP programmer, installation/sound artist and musician
Paradiso brings his calm execution of interrelated, evolving sound events to
a more consumable format.  "Okayfantastic" is paul paradiso¹s first foray
into the time-based digital arts (though he has composed numerous pieces for
traditional instruments) though you wouldn¹t be able to tell by listening to
it.  Paradiso¹s compositional skills translate well to the easy malleability
of his digital tools and the lush feeling of "okayfantastic" is only
enhanced by his use of warm analog synth recordings and guitar
improvisations to create complex layers of symphonic sound.  Closing track
"mega-beer" even delves into classical electronic music --- "Forbidden
Planet_style".  5 downloadable MP3s,  20:19

michael berk "idiom neutral reformed"

Some may compare this release to Mouse on Mars, Autechre, or even the Beach
Boys (classic "Smile" incarnation of course), but we think this just may be
better than all three.  Berk deftly walks that fine line between pop and
experimentation.  And he accomplishes an almost seamless marriage between
these two disparate, and often estranged elements of modern electronic
music.  "Idiom Neutral Reformed" is an album in classic maxi-single format.
6 downloadable MP3s, 14:52.

pita "live at cbgb¹s"

Lucky you who have read this far!  And lucky us for being able to present to
you a live recording of Pita (Mego, Touch, etc.)   LIVE at CBGB¹s  as part
of the Phonotaktik Festival.02 held in NYC during the month of April.  Thank
you Peter Rehberg for giving us permission to post this recording.  This is
Pita at his best--- redding out the PA with noise that somehow seems to
change and always keeps your interest.  One 20-minute set available in
high-quality (27.8 MB) or low-quality (9.2 MB) MP3.

James Kinnie "jj special"

Playing in the slapart cinema, a 5 minute jaunt through our native Brooklyn,
carried out by painter James Kinnie, put to sound by Quinn Honradi.  Eerie
sound effects and slick editing techniques make you forget that this is just
someone riding around with a bike and a DV camera.  The mundane act of
riding a bicycle which enabled the shooting of the original footage enhances
the surreality of the film in that casual, everyday events can only take on
significant meaning once you grant them that.  There are oddities which
surround us everyday which we may never recognize unless they are put into
that context.  Heck, there¹s even incidental shots of the World Trade Center
(the original footage was filmed in the summer of 2001).