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Re: [microsound] the clueless leading the blind
I have found the term "glitch" to be a blanket statement that really means
little to nothing, it reminds me of when the first clicks and cuts comp came
out, not to slam the intentions of that comp, but i was turned off by the
idea of experimental music being labled as such. Personally I am more
interested in the sounds people create and how they are presented in
musical/non-musical systems. I really have little interest in the lastest
and greatest software program or programmer, but the intentions and process
of the artist have always been far more interesting for me.
The computer is a tool, yes. I make a living as a graphic designer using a
computer. I also use the computer along with many other tools in producing
what I consider expression with sound. People/critics have always had the
need to attach a label to art movements or movements in music, I guess to
isolate it and give it a frame of reference in which it can be easily placed
and compared with other work in a time line of events. But if one is only
looking to get a name on that time-line then I would really question the
integrity and expression of the work.
Maybe we should start to focus discussion on the intentions of the
individual artists, instead of trying to define glitch, but then again
Glitch gives us a voice in the larger media context. Music is a personal
experience as is art, it can move people in inummerable ways, we can become
critics and lose site of our intentions, or we can look for postive feedback
and try to as clearly as possible examine our intentions as artists, then if
the critics want they can define us.
Maybe some of this makes sense? I dont really know. But I guess for me this
whole Glitch thing is interesting because it is a new art form, now with a
laptop someone has a mobile studio, max/msp patches are like scuplture and
improvsation is something like abstract expessionism. The music has become
so visual that it makes alot of sense to people like myself who grew up in a
cut and paste world, it only makes sense that we would want to try and
collage sound bytes from the world around us into some kind of soundtrack
that frames our experince as humans, its not about the computer, we are
computers. Everything we do now has a computer involed (for the most part) I
think its more an asethc of drag and drop, cut and paste then glitch. Glitch
is just a really crass/surface explanation for something that has much
bigger reasons for being. If you want to blame it on someone blame it on
Steve Jobs for giving us a windows based operating system.
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