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Re: [microsound] OT "linear , circular, messy.."

linear, circular...
I also used to like the fractal concept
but the notion of "messy" development
stated in "The Postdigital Membrane" really fits me best.
All the other approaches are still a part of the fruitless attempt to find
some kind of order in "world's mystical ways", whereas the right way is
probably accepting the fact that it's human perception that makes the
naturally ordered world seem like a mess. So it is a mess,
( since we can't perceive it differently )and when we try to organize it,
something always get lost. I cleaned my room yesterday and now I can't find
my midi cable :).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Floris Grootendorst" <daobra@xxxxxxx>
To: "microsound" <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [microsound] the idea of progress in music

> > On Fri, 14 Jun 2002 23:39:22 EDT
> > MVFarley@xxxxxxx wrote:
> >
> > > What do you think, is linear progress in music an illusion?  I prefer
> >
> > > think of music history as a spiral, not a vertical line.
> >
> on a general note:
> the idea of progress (in general) can differ substantially between
> In the west we share a linear concept of progress whereas in Japan and
> eastern countries (in particularly their old cultural heritage) progress
> understood as a circular phenomenon.
> personally, the circular conception seems much richer than the linear view
> where we move from less to higher forms of sophistication. The circular
> (to my view) incorporates history better by not breaking with its past but
> returning to vertain fundamental essentials, or if you like, esssential
> fundaments that keep recurring in whatever form they appear. I believe we
see this
> in music.
> mircosound (and its practicers) searches and reinvents age old essentials
> (can't come with better terms) that are inherently driving us to make
music. it
> tries to unveal an aesthetic, produce a hypnotic drive or what have you,
> that ultimately serves some old and basic need in us. I see an example in
> massive development of the dance scene where thousands come together and
> themselves into extacy. an age old phenomenon. In this way, music, cannot
> considered to develop in a uni-linear fashion.
> or can it?
> --
> GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
> http://www.gmx.net
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