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copyright question...  though it is, sorta, off topic...  sorry...

i've always heard that a very cheap but semi effectvie form
of copyrighting your music is just recording it to a cd, and mailing
it to yourself.  and never opening the package you sent it in.
i guess i'm asking everyone with 'real' copyright experience etc.
what your take on this is.

the reason i ask is: a former band of mine from 7 years ago just recorded a
that i, literally, half wrote - after ditching those songs immediately after
i quit 7 years ago...
anyway, i don't expect that they'd give me any kind of
credit for songwriting, though that's what they SHOULD do...

and i've long since done this cheap form of copyrighting on that half of the
song i wrote,
as well as the other stuff i wrote from that period.

so i was wondering what you all might have to say about it.
