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Re: [microsound] shameless product plug

Isn't the point (and, I assume, even the legal requirement) of cafepress to make money off of your *own* words, rather than other people's?  The bufferfuct site and other sites from which you admit you've copied many of these phrases are admirably non-profit themselves.

On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 02:54:07 -0400, |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||b_s_o_m wrote:
> www.cafepress.com/bsom
> out of boredom, tonight i made a few silly 'microsound' inspired products
> and put them up on a silly cafepress store... i mostly made them so i could
> order the products for myself, but my friends thought they were funny and i
> should share them on here...
> sorry if this is an annoying e-mail or breaks the barriers of this list...
> //bsom
> www.bsom.org
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 Kala Pierson