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Re: [microsound] cage quote

I don't think there is just one place that the idea originates. Keep in
mind that Cage was writing and talking about his work in indeterminacy
for over 40 years. The quote that I know off the top of my head is from
the recorded introduction to the recording of Variations IV: "Music is
all around us, if only we had ears. There would be no need for concert
halls if man [sic] could only learn to enjoy the sounds which envelop
him." Another quote I vaguely recall but of which I don't know the
source is something like "music is always happening; it is only we who
turn away." But maybe that's not even Cage. 
It's worth keeping in mind that it's not uniquely Cage's idea either.
Marcel Duchamp once said "the only thing that is not art is inattention"
(no source for that; sorry). Thoreau also wrote a lot about silence,
especially in Walden. Given Cage's intimate association with Walden,
it's doubtful that he didn't know that.
Anyways, if you want specific Cage quotes, I would consult any of his
writings, but especially Silence, his earliest published work.
<-----Original Message-----> 
>dear friends,  
>i was just wondering if somebody could mail me - off list, if preferred
>exactly where the popular john cage phrase "everything is music,
>is noise" originated. if there is a book or article reference around,
>that'd be especially spot-on.  
>thanks much, and enjoy your summers and winters,  
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