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Re: [microsound] RE: McLabor

Im going to catch alot fo heat over this so i will try to be as gentl about
my opinions as possible.

Chris wrote

"""">Do you really think that Nike is paying their overseas employees
>Are the children in India working for the diamond trade getting fair

Yes. on average they actually get more then what is standard in their
country.  I like how people like your selves always paint such a horrid
picture about foreign labor forces.  Man their so helpless and are whipped
in order to get productivity up. Gimme a breake.  These people are thankful
for the work they get.  Do you know in afghanistan there are protest to get
back 2 nike plants which were closed because Nike started getting shit
stateside, because of "suppossed"  Child labor abuses and unfair wages.
Were are such an arrogant society.  We jude others by our standards.  These
people depended on those plants to support themselves.  With salaries $1
more then you averages salary in afghanistan.  Whixh to them is an
astronomical sum.  So what did Nike do, they closed down the plant's rather
then fight the negative publicity involved.(im not agreeing with this , just
a part of my example)  It wasnt worth it to them.   Instread we should be
asking ourselveshow do we bring stability and economic growth to some of the
worlds poorest nations.

 Boy we shure helped them.  Irrelevant tho since were were dropping bombs on
their heads shortyl thereafter.

I think its painfully obvious that your are passionate about what you
preach/this topic.  Its just that you so conviently label every
thinginbuisness world.  You make a blanket staement that anyone who has
achieved succes in this country must be a crook.  Any large company is
dishonets.  Im sorry, to me that is impossible.  To me most companies are
out for profits, not to screw the little guy.  True we get stepped on from
time to time, but to say their all crooks is a tad silly imo.

And calm down a tad.  You have a certain edge to your demenaor that may be
miscontrued by others at times.  This is just a friendly debate that all can
learn from.  Im just a normal guy like you with differing opinions, big
buisness i am not.


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