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Re: [lowercase-sound] [ot] [gear] Need new SoundCard
At 12:53 PM -0700 8/26/02, ph_L th0m50n wrote:
I currently have a PC with a SoundBlaster Live! Value in it, using
the regular (non-ASIO) drivers. I'm finding that with the kind of
music I make (very dry, "glitchy" {shudder}, digital-sounding music
with lots of very high frequencies), that the output of the
soundcard is often very distorted. I have turn the volume on the
soundcard way down and the amplifier volume way up in order to hear
the sound somewhat properly.
Recently I got a $200 (Canadian; that's about $128 US and 132 Euro)
gift certificate to Future Shop, an electronics store. What advice
can people give me on a card which is higher fidelity than what I
have within the price range I want (not much more than $200 CDN) and
is adequate for the kind of music I make.
Well, I am not sure anything is available in your range or at your
shop, but I would check out what M-Audio might have to offer in the
Delta line; the sound quality is amazing (up to the DVD specification
of 24-bit/96KHz) and the prices tend to be quite low. I have had my
Delta 66 since the drivers were in beta and have been a fan from the
beginning. I use it on a Mac with Logic and Reactor.
Joshua Maremont / Thermal - mailto:thermal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Boxman Studies Label - http://www.boxmanstudies.com/