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Re: [microsound] good flavor means good taste!

composition aside, 

i think there is something to be said about musicians who actual use
certain technologies, or lack of, to produce interesting & compelling
music.  for example, musicians who use things like feedback-mixers.  

but again, in my own experience of playing feedback-mixer, it was
important for me to have the right kind of mixer, for the kind of music i
was playing.  i tried switching to a cheaper, shittier (not that one
implies the other) mixer, which didn't even make a sound when i plugged it
into itself.  

so, to drive the point even further into the ground, good tools do not
necessarily mean good music, as pointed out before.  in fact, "bad" tools
can give you some interesting results (look at the midwest's Nautical
Almanac, or even E.A.R. for example).  but, it is still necessary for one
to have the proper tools, to do a proper job.  

