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Re: [microsound] MICROSOUND vs. ISSUES

please no one get offended as i don't mean this as a
criticism of any person on the list but...

i think the reason why microsound isn't very popular
(this goes without saying that this is not a judgement
on the quality of the music), at least not with most
people i know is because it doesn't deal with anything
tangible.  Or at least nothing that they find
important.  it isn't because these people haven't
heard enough of the music, cause i've tried to get
people to like it, played lots of stuff, and in the
end had to realize that most microsound isn't a great
party hit.  Maybe that post was a tad off topic but i
would enjoy the list more if people would tackle real
world issues in relation to microsound...or something.

but is the majority of microsound meant to stand
alone, without tackling political issues, to be
listened to only in a microsound context?  art for
art's sake?  i'm not going to be arrogant enough to
say that art should or shouldn't be something, but i
think this is the reason why i have to be in a certain
mood to listen to microsound stuff, if i'm busy caring
about something, microsound won't do...ok that was a
little crass and is bound to make people mad, on a
positive note, can anyone recomend any music that
would fill the gap in microsound that i'm missing? 
revolutionary microsound?  granted it seems like
atough job to fuck up the state at 2 clicks/minute but
i figure some people have tried.

jake hardy (aka) holzkopf

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