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Re: [microsound] MICROSOUND vs. ISSUES
--- jake hardy <holzkopf_head@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> positive note, can anyone recomend any music that
> would fill the gap in microsound that i'm missing?
> revolutionary microsound?
I would heartly recomend some of my mixes... dabbling
with noam chomsky, michael moore, jello biafra, and
bill hicks ... along side with "microsound",
"hard-core" "idm", "postrock", and whateverothergenre.
all in the guise of "spectral" music. It is a much
better listen for the individual, instead of groups.
especially the mix I am currently orchestrating....
thinking of calling it "motherfucker" or something
as it currently goes, in reverse chronological order
of appearance:
William S Burroughs - My Protagonist Kim Carson
Massonna - freak-out electrolyze Track 8
Pukebrain - Regurgitory Exposition - 05 - The Cutting
Edge Of Obscurity
Necro and Ill Bill - The Most Sadistic (VSnares
Unknown Artist - Astrobotnia
Throbbing Gristle - Hit by a Rock
kid606 - rebel girl
EC8OR - I won't pay
The Urinal Mints - I Wanna Smoke Crack With You
johnny kawasaki (outkast) - ms jackson got my booty
!!! - Storm the Legion
Jello Biafra - Clinton Comes To Long Beach
Thurston Moore - Stock, Hausen & Walkman
Muslimgauze - Shah of Persia
Noam Chomsky - Media Supression
Oh and if you are located in southern Michigan,
northern Indiana, [or the greater "Michiana" if you
will] there will be a microsound/idm/whatever event
downtown at the South Bend Regional Musem of Art this
Saturday night... contact me for details.
duncan van halluciphile
now playing: Silver Surfer (NSF format) song 7 -
really liking that intro
-= currently located in the southold crossroad of america =-
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