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Re: [microsound] Re: hi new how ?

there is a version of max for pc called jmax.  It's by ircam and it's free.  
You can download a copy of it at www.ircam.fr although I warn you there is not 
much introductory documentation for it.  Perhaps someone will write a jmax 
tutorial for my site soon but there's no telling.

As far as the effects you are talkin about.  There are so many ways to alter 
sound it is futile to try and figure out the specifics of someone's process, 
however it sounds like you are describing a time stretch effect.  Do you have 
cool edit?

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---- On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Jachin Boaz (Jachin.Boaz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

> Hi
>       i'm new to all this so hi....can anyone tell me how i could  get the
> effects you hear on basal by sogar or the new taylor deupree cd (trk1)on
> 12k?seem similiar , like a time synced effect....?sound like they used the
> same
> software or algorithm or something.Its like a springy
> pitchshifted type of effect ?metallicish and very beautifull?sorry , i'm new
> to all this.....:)
> Also , ive recently looked at using max , again i'm a novice but i use
> pc......Is it safe to say we will see max for pc someday soon?or is this
> going to be a long wait?....
> they seem vague at cycling 74 but make very cool stuff....
> but not for pc...
> cheers,
> jack
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