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Re: [microsound] Re:ambient books
So, Bill, Proust enacts a kind of "ambient-izing" of consciousness, perhaps?
> One reason the Proust 'book' has such a profound effect is that if one
> reads the entire work one is a different person at the end of the reading.
> it also has the effect of acting upon the reader in a way to enable the
> reader to observe the world differently for an extended time period ( one
> two years). The narrator really doesn't 'do' much of anything with his
> in search of a vocation, it's the perception of the world which changes.
This is useful. Thanks for drawing me back into Walter Benjamin, who I've
been reading a lot lately but hadn't made the connection from this
discussion of ambient literature back to him until you wrote this about
Proust. Specifically the articles "On Some Motifs in Baudelaire" and "The
Image of Proust" suggest a very strong connection between the role of the
image in works by these two writers and the function of ambient sound. This
further suggests a line of query into the Symbolists. Danke!