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Re: [microsound] Re:ambient books

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this is in danger of going down the 'what is ambient, anyway?' path but i'm going to continue with caution.
i place the robbe-grillet books i've read in the same category as 'eno too sick to adjust the record player' style ambient music for a number of reasons. for one, there is no real forward progression, merely the delimitation of a space. the book details a field of possibility more than a series of set events. also, these are books i read without bookmarks and without 'active' reading. i'll pick up the topology of the phantom city and just read a bit. it's a different kind of reading for me, separate from the plow through the book and put it on the shelf style i normally employ. no objective environment is tinted, but outside of mountain climbing, who cares about objective environments? heh heh.
 The pHarmanaut <pharmanaut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Greetings all.

> Marcel Proust; '`A la Recherche du temps Perdu'.

I think that it's pretty clear that we're a fairly well-read bunch in
diverse areas. As well as dropping author/title suggestions, I'd like to ask
that we carry on this conversation about how a literary form might function
in an ambient fashion. I think that it could illuminate the impulse toward
creating ambient objects of any sort, musical, literary or otherwise. I
think that within an "ambient literature" there has to be something more to
the work than an interior focus on atmospherics, a surrendering of what some
here have positioned as conventionally emphasized features such as plot,
character and so on.

Can a literary object tint an objective environment? I'm not sure that it
can except in two ways: one, as mentioned before, the work functions
individually in a psychoactive fashion to alter the perceptive faculties of
the user/reader; two, the work functions collectively by being performed,
that is, read aloud.


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