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Re: Re: [microsound] synth

> I don't use any old synths but I do play my radio.  It has EQ and pan. =
> would be amazed how many sounds you can get out of a radio with bad =
reception. =20
> I also play with complex analog feedback loops which my friend has =
> the "DuckSauceGenerator" or DCG.  I wanted to buy an echoplex tape =
delay but by=20
> the time I got the money it was gone. =20
> What about you?

i used radios as sound source in live performances too, and i have
a tape recorder in which i modified the circuits.=20
what is the 'DuckSauceGenerator' -never heard of that one...
c:\>synthetic waste

INPUT>>>> http://www.syntheticwaste.tk
OUTPUT>>> glitch, microsound, clicks, minimal, microwaves, cut-ups
