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Re: RE: [microsound] 'the bleeding edge, etc.'
> > ross birdwise <rbirdwise@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >I was wondering what people's opinions on this list
> > >are about what is cutting edge ,or bleeding edge even,
> > >in electronic music today? It seems like most of the
> > >people on this list agree that we don't need a visual
> > >physical presence in performance, but I'm wondering
> > >now about people who are pushing other envelopes,
> > >perhaps people who have resolved the performance issue
> > >for themselves and now are raising other questions
> > >that merit, or are fertile ground for discussion. I'm
> > >looking for something really mind-bending.
I can't give you anything that's been really "mind-bending" for me that's
actually out there but I do have ideas. One of the coolest musical experiences
of my life was at the Wheatland Music Festival in northern michigan. It's a
folk festival. The year I went there was an open drum circle. I usually don't
like these things but this one wasn't your average. It was mostly young people
of all different kinds, not just your neo-hippie contigent. We played drums
and sang and danced around a pole. There was absolutely nothing about it that
was pre-formed. People started getting really rowdy and taking off clothing
and shaking their bodies and making really strange noises. I got incredibly
high. Anyway the idea is this. you get a bunch of people together and give
them noise-toys and turn the lights down a little so people don't feel so self-
conscious and then you play. You have microphones run through effects and
feedback loops and other neat things to play with and everyone just has at it.
I think that would be pretty mind-bending. I mean, have you ever heard of
an "noise-circle"?
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