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new weblabel: devdsp src

I've decided to use some of the webspace available to me to set up a webl=
of sorts called devdsp src. a mock-up of what the site's going to look li=
once there's material to put on it can be found at http://src.devdsp.net.

devdsp src aims to put out 20 MB releases consisting of one or more mp3s=20
accompanied by the files used to create them. so if the artist works with=
fruityloops, the release contains the finished tracks as well as the frui=
zips they were made from, for max/msp, it has max/msp patches, for buzz,=20
well, you get the point.

obviously, this only works for artists who don't do any hardware recordin=

the idea is both to allow other computer musicians who are just starting =
or who are simply curious to see how others go about creating tracks as w=
as to foster some cross-breeding creativity when one release builds on wh=
was done on a previous release.

to start it off, I need people to send me their material. Note: I *dont* =
to receive 20 MB files in my email, just send me links to either tracks=20
you've done before or, even better, tracks you want to include in your=20
"release". if you're interested, email me at=20

working out the implications (copyright-wise) of releasing your work in t=
form is left as an excercise to the reader.

take care,


-- devdsp.net - news for computer musicians
