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Re: [microsound] memory and melody/ survival of microsound

----- Original Message -----
From: jan larsson <jlarsson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>we've had EAM since the 50s and there are only a very few
>memorable/good pieces around. most stuff produced is just plain

maybe the good stuff is only dificult to remember couse there was no melodie

>EAM/microsound are both very young and must evolve to survive. this
>will require a lot of very hard work.

been listening to a lot of older stuff, electronic/concrete/minimal/exp. i
to wonder if not only the term "microsound" is new

evolve? survive?
it can be a good thing i guess,
but than it all depends on the direction of the evolvement.
sadly i must say that in may +25 years music collecting i have seen many
styles evolve
but mostly into the dirrection of some commercial sharks who convince the
general public
that this is the newest thing and the schouldn't miss out, then comes the
process of suck
suck suck.....untill the music/style/artist is depleted and the general
public is ready for some new adventure.
and in to the gutter fly's the once so praised "product"
couse becoming a "product" was/is the fate of to many music

i understand that people dont want their favoriete music style/directions to
stagnate, crumble away
or even completely disapear couse you'l miss it.
no couse to worry i would say. there always is and always will be good music
around. and these
days with internet and all there should be no problem to find stuff.

and who wants to listen to just microsound/whateverstyle for the rest of his
 it's a fact that most people who are heavly in to a surtain style now will
later on in life come with bulshitt statements like "there's no new music"
"these days they only make crap" "you call this music?" , only becouse in
their time (when the where young) there was good/real music.
personaly i now people who buy more cd's than me but the have not a single
dating later than '85.
shocking i would say, and their explenation:  "there's no new music" "these
days they only make crap" "you call this music?" etc....

"styles" or whatever are human terms and have nothing to do with music.
and like we all know, on this list at least, music = sound.
and sound is every where.
blackbirds, cars, washingmachines, rivers, wind, sirens, .....
a fact is that in all my travels i have never encountered a place where
there was no sound.
even deep in the dessert there's sound.
it's there we just have to hear it.
any worrying is a waiste of energy that could be better spend creating some
new (?) music :-)
have a wonderfull day...............P.
